Fall 2020
“Garden of Glass Made Awake” by Aaron Lelito
Featuring work by Casey DW Jones, Kayla Rutledge, Gina Willner-Pardo, Emily Choate, Tomás Baiza, and Alia Georges
“Snare” by Aaron Lelito
Featuring work by Audrey Gradzewicz, Beth Boylan, Michelle Brooks, Juliette Givhan, Rebecca Macijeski, Alison Brown, and Nicholas Holt
“Vesuvius” by Aaron Lelito
Featuring work by Shawna Green and Michael Brelsford
issue art
Aaron Lelito is a visual artist and writer from Buffalo, NY. In his photographic work, he is primarily drawn to the patterns and imagery of nature. His images have most recently been published in High Shelf Press, The Scriblerus, About Place Journal, 45th Parallel, and Alluvian. He is editor in chief of the art & literature website Wild Roof Journal. See more of his work at aaronlelito.com.