Summer 2023

Featuring work by L. Richardson, Zoë Däe, and M.E. Kopp

Banner Art

"Glitched Tulips" by Holly Willis

Holly Willis is a hybrid artist/theorist who integrates theory and practice, working primarily in film, video, and still photography. Her work often examines the materiality of the image within a broader context of new materialist philosophy, the histories of experimental media forms, and the analog/digital divide.

Flash Art

"Post Canvas 13" by David Goodrum

David A. Goodrum, photographer/writer, lives in Corvallis, Oregon. His photography has graced the covers of several art and literature magazines, most recently Cirque Journal, Willows Wept Review, Blue Mesa Review, Ilanot Review, Red Rock Review, The Moving Force Journal, Snapdragon Journal, and appeared in many others. His artistic vision has always been to create a visual field that momentarily transports you away from hectic daily events and into a place that delights in an intimate view of the world. See additional work, both photos and poems, at

Fiction Art

"Painted Over Mail Boxes" by Roger Camp

Roger Camp is the author of three photography books including the award winning Butterflies in Flight, Thames & Hudson, 2002 and Heat, Charta, Milano, 2008. His work has appeared in numerous journals including The New England Review, Witness and the New York Quarterly. His documentary photography has been awarded Europe's prestigious Leica Medal of Excellence. Represented by the Robin Rice Gallery, NYC, more of his work may be seen on